Non-Religious Pastoral Ministry

**Sessions take place online unless local to southern Maine, then other arrangements can be made**

Sit & See

group meditation $25-$60 Sliding Scale

Join other souls for a shared meditation and grounding ritual which flows into a facilitated, open discussion of spiritual exploration and edification. If you’ve been meditating on your own for a while, then this group is for you. Community creates magnification of discoveries.

individual Seeking

Meet 1:1 with me $50-$150 sliding scale

Work 1:1 on issues like religious deconstruction/reconstruction, spiritual direction, grief, transitions, somatic healing, ritual exploration, spiritual formation, shadow work, ancestral connection, radical self-love, developing interceoption, and cultivating meaning.

embrace your story

Pain in life is guaranteed; it’s how you respond that’s determinate. No one else can fill your space—inhabit your imprint—on this planet; you have a specific and crucial purpose. You deserve to discover your favorite self and live in the freedom of self-trust.

What People Are Saying

[Marie] is someone who carries immense internal strength, and calls to that strength in others.  There is a rightness to her work as the Pagan Pastor. It is a role that allows her to offer all that she has learned (through rigorous study as well as disciplined self-work) in service of people coming home to themselves, and to the divine presence that persists in the heart of that homecoming.

Marie maintained a steady, positive, attentive presence and danced well between giving space and providing support. I was grateful that she did not try to “overdo” it and instead allowed the experience to unfold organically. I also never felt dropped or abandoned, and I knew that if I asked for something and she was able to provide it, she would do her best to do so. Overall, a solid performance all around! 

I have been meeting regularly with Marie for the past few months. I’ve studied a number of different spiritual frameworks during my lifetime (a few decades longer than her’s) and find myself regularly surprised and grateful by and for her deep wisdom and knowledge. It’s clear to me that Marie has integrated and embodied her discoveries and life experiences during her life’s journey so far. This gives Marie a powerful vantage-point from which to advise others. She helps us to find our unique path - and to then join us in wandering down that path a bit.

Andrew M.

Leo D.

James N.

At Pagan Pastor, we acknowledge the various forms of systemic oppression which result in economic disparity and seek to mitigate the financial barrier to accessibility, especially to those most impacted by marginalization (BIPOC, LGBTQ+, Disabled) and offer a sliding scale for all services.
