I do things a little differently…

Below are frequently asked questions that I update, well, frequently! Peruse at your leisure to learn more.

are you a mental health professional?

While the Pagan Pastor is not a mental health professional, I do work in behavioral healthcare, which complements the pagan pastor ministry but is entirely separate. In addition to my job as a children’s care coordinator for a local behavioral healthcare nonprofit, I also serve as a non-religious, earth-based, humanist (pagan) minister to individual and group clients. My pagan pastor clients are those who are mentally healthy but may struggle with some depression or anxiety. If you are seeking diagnosis, care, and treatment for any mental health illness please contact a licensed therapist or social worker.

Are you licensed in the state of maine?

I am not licensed in the state of Maine nor anywhere else. I do not provide licensed mental health services such as diagnosis, care, and treatment. I have a Masters of Divinity which enables me to offer non-licensed pastoral counseling.

what does ‘pagan’ mean?

I call myself a pagan because I am specifically non-religious and because historically pagan religions are ones founded upon the wisdom of the earth and valuing the human experience. Pagan healers were those who knew of medicinal herbs and wisdom passed down from generations; healing was not just a physical occupation but rather a holistic one, addressing the body, mind, and spirit. I draw from these traditions in my personal spiritual practice and in my relationships with my clients.

What is decolonized spirituality?

We live under systems of oppression that cover us like a giant, universal umbrella coloring every single iota of our experience of life. The systems of white supremacy and capitalism impact us all and the process of decolonization is a life-long journey requiring intellectual honesty, self-exploration, and accountability. At Pagan Pastor we believe that white bodies are responsible to undertake the work of excavating our internalized white supremacy and engage in anti-racism work, otherwise we only perpetuate systems of oppression and violence.

Decolonized spirituality honors the body and listens to its wisdom allowing embodiment to inform ethic. Practice is guided by a respect for the land, indigenous peoples, and acknowledgment of the historical context from which we are inseparable.

what is your cancellation policy?

Sessions are scheduled and booked ahead of time and it is expected that the client show up, on time, for each session. However, I understand that life happens and cancellations are inevitable. Please provide at least 24 hours notice of a cancellation in order to be rescheduled. Cancellation fee of up to $150 may apply per canceled or no-showed session, with less than 24 hours notice.

What training/education do you have?

In addition to a bachelors in Biblical and Theological studies I have a Masters of Divinity, traditionally a “seminary” degree. I have over a decade of cross-cultural, interfaith work heavily punctuated with psychological and emotional modalities. Because of my “day job” in behavioral healthcare I have access to additional trainings and workshops. I have completed the following: 2 Day Intensive: Mindfulness Certification Course; IFS Immersion: Integrating Internal Family Systems (IFS) Across Clinical Applications; 2-Day Trauma Conference (w/Richard Schwartz); The Body Keeps the Score-Trauma Healing Through the Senses with Bessel van der Kolk, MD

are you an astrologer?

I am not an astrologer. I have studied astrology since 2013 and use it as a tool in my own life and spiritual practices. Astrology serves as a poetic way of making sense of the chaos of life. Contrary to popular myth, astrology is not intended to predict the future. Carl Jung, renowned psychologist, relied on astrology and its uses of archetypes to explain his theories. As an ancient practice I find its employment of archetypes particularly helpful for the human experience. Astrology allows us to go deeper with ourselves; through the planets and the stars and their relationships to one another I uncover hidden truths about myself enabling me to live with greater intention and agency.

are you a tarot reader or psychic?

I am neither a tarot reader nor psychic. I utilize tarot to reveal my own intuition to myself, receive messages from my spiritual team, and help me discern insights and prophetic words for you. While I do not consider myself to be a psychic I have been aware of and in touch with psychic abilities since I was a kid. I will never attempt to tell you your future — that is up to you. Rather my psychic nature lends itself to receiving uncannily accurate messages and impressions that help guide you into a deeper connection with yourself and the divine.

do you practice or believe in a religion?

Because the indoctrination of my childhood goes so deep I consider myself to be a post-christian as I find myself first interpreting the world through a viewpoint I don’t authentically subscribe to and then working it back to uncover what I truly do believe. I don’t practice any one specific religion or tradition. Drawing from my academic work with prehistoric goddess religions, I find the broad and differently differentiating “pagan” to be the best label. I care about the Earth and regard Her as a Being unto Herself; I care about humans and believe we are all connected — one cannot be liberated until we are all liberated; I believe in an unseen universe all around us that is constantly moving and breathing with us; I believe we are co-creators with every other breathing thing. I believe it is less important what you believe and more important that you believe.

i see a therapist. can i still work with you?

Yes, if you see a therapist you may still work with me! Spiritual growth goes hand-in-hand with good mental health. I do not treat mental illness, but I am equipped to enable you to discover your desires, integrate your pain, and cultivate connection. It is my policy that you inform your mental healthcare provider of our working relationship.

I practice a religion. Can I still benefit from this work?

The beauty of what I do is that it’s universal; regardless of what you believe you are welcome here. My methodology is deliberately broad so that regardless of faith tradition you can find nuggets of richness to savor. While I do not practice, nor prescribe, any particular religion I believe them all to be valuable in what they are attempting to offer: some sense in the chaos.