Non-religious pastoral ministry

Are you longing for a spiritual home? Maybe you’ve explored many paths but nothing quite fits…

Perhaps you’re recovering from a harmful churchly past. Or imaginably you’re hungry for more… connection, fulfillment, faith.

Regardless of what brought you here, I’m glad you’ve arrived. Let’s explore together…

non-religious minister looks straight at the camera in black and white



a member of a religious, spiritual, or cultural community based on the worship of nature or the earth

a person who belongs to a modern religion that includes beliefs and activities that are not from any of the main religions of the world, for example the worship of nature



a person having spiritual care of a number of persons.

a spiritual overseer

especially : a clergyperson serving a local church or parish

What is non religious ministry?

  • While 1:1 pastoral ministry functions similarly to therapy in that the relationship is the container by which healing happens, it is not mental health treatment. Pastoral ministry goes beyond the function of “talk therapy” to sink below the neck, and involve the whole being in the discussion. Often not many words are expressed between pastor and client, as the deeper you go into the work, the more energetic and embodied it becomes.

  • Spiritual coaching differs from pastoral ministry in that it focuses on an outcome, specific progress and growth, and usually has a business element to it. While growth is a common side effect of pastoral ministry, progress nor a specific outcome are primary focuses.

  • Developing your skills of interoception, within the container of relationship (whether a 1:1 or group setting), supported by an exploration of historical and ancestral traditions, ritual theory, and somatic practices so that you may cultivate sustainable faith, meaning, and direction for yourself in order to express your meaningful contribution to your local community.